One of the perks of backpacking is temporarily leaving behind many daily comforts in order to rough it old-school in the wild. With that said, coffee is not subject to this filter. Coffee is life, great camp coffee really helps life start right in the mornings. And coffee comes on all my adventures.
As a guide, as a professional hiker, and as a guy who lives out of his van for long stretches at a time, I have honed in on several satisfying ways to brew camp coffee. So, if you're like me and need a little caffeine to get the juices flowing in the morning, take stock of these six slick gadgets and products.

The Pour Over Method
The straight-forward pour-over method is a lightweight approach that makes you look like an aficionado at the communal picnic table. For a filter stand, I use BruTrek Pour Over (collapsible). All you have to do is set your cup below, add your desired amount of coffee grounds, and then pour hot water, patiently and evenly, over the goods until your cup is somewhat full (but leave some space because those saturated grounds will keep dripping for a little while). For me, this makes the most satisfying camp coffee out of all the methods we're going to discuss. I would have to ask a passionate barista as to why this is – all I know is that the end result is undeniable. It's a bit of a fancier and slower process, but if your trip allows for that, then go for it.

The AeroPress Method
The AeroPress has been growing in popularity around campsites and among vanlifers. It essentially acts like a little espresso maker. You add the grounds to the bottom of the hollow chamber, add hot water, and use the top piece to force the water through. This system is much quicker than the gravity-only pour over, and you'll get a lot more bang for your buck out of the grounds (which is another slight downside to the pour over – you have to carry more actual coffee with you).
I have found the AeroPress to be my favorite option when in my van. That first round of brews is ready on command, and it's easy to rinse and stow right afterwards. These benefits will also translate to a cottage getaway, or even at home if you just want to keep things simple, quick and cheap.

The French Press
This is a classic brewing method, and one that all Ikea couples gravitate towards. The only problem with most units is that they are a pain in the butt to clean. That's why I've landed on the BruTrek OVRLNDR Travel Press. It boasts a detachable bottom which really makes it stand out among all other French Presses. This creates a catch for the pressed grounds that is only a few inches deep, and therefore much easier to empty and scrub.
The OVRLNDR is also a double-walled insulated container, so it keeps your java pippin' hot for a long time. The general advantage of any French press is that it is a great way to make more coffee in one go. If you're sharing with a buddy or small group, or desire to sip cup after cup as you pass away a relaxing morning, then look no further. Oh, and because the brewing time changes the taste, you'll be able to dial in your preferred strength.

Instant Coffee
But not just any instant coffee, I'm all about the Alpine Start Instant Coffee single-serving packets. This brewing method is by far the best-suited for backpackers who want to prioritize space and weight, but simply can't surrender their beloved morning ritual. Now, it goes without saying that most instant coffee brands have an uninspiring taste. The outcome is merely a hot drink that looks, smells, and tastes enough like coffee to starve off those withdrawal headaches and cranky moods.
However, Alpine Start struck on something that really does pack a nice flavor. When you factor in the boost that a natural setting gives to all camping foods, you're sure to be one happy camper. So why would you not want to use Alpine Start in the backcountry? Well, the box of single-serving sachets won't appeal to eco-conscious explorers. I think there's a time and a place for this method, but I probably wouldn't make this my sole approach.
Pro tip: Add the instant coffee and then the water for a more effective steeping process. Trying to add the mix to steaming water makes it clump.

The Nanopresso Method
For you true coffee snobs out there (which I say with love, for I am one of you), or for our European audience out there, the Wacaco Nespresso is your new best friend. This futuristic-looking gizmo makes one authentic shot of espresso. There is a fair bit of grinding, winding and pumping to be had in comparison to these other methods, but the juice is definitely worth the squeeze. This machine forces hot water through at a high rate of speed, getting more crema and goodness out of the bean. The downside for my double-double/venti-drinking North American brethren is the quantity, or rather, the stark lack thereof. But if you're someone who appreciates a fleeting but quality moment, then give the nanopresso a go.

The Percolator
This is the traditional way to make campfire coffee. If you're a plaid-shirt-wearing, woodsy person, then you've probably busted out a percolator from time to time. I've had a lot of luck with the stainless Champ Chef Percolator. It needs to boil for about 5 minutes, and there's a little window at the top that lets you judge the strength by the color of the brew. I like to aim for a nice medium-brown, but each person will be a bit different. That's all part of the fun.
This is another machine that I like to just keep on hand in my van. I keep it in a storage bin, and when the mood catches me right, or when I have visitors and need to make a large quantity of coffee, then I get to put on my metaphorical (or sometimes literal) cowboy hat. Given that a percolator requires the most amount of fuel and set up, it really isn't designed with backpackers in mind.
My Flavor-Based Ranking System for Great Camp Coffee
In terms of pure enjoyment, regardless of the circumstances, my list is as follows:
2. AeroPress
4. BruTrek OVRLNDR Travel Press
6. Alpine Start Instant Coffee
I hope you enjoyed this article as much as that first cup a' joe after crawling out of the tent. And if you're looking forward to trying out these various brewing practices in the wild, then may I suggest you also read about how to poop in the woods (wink wink). For all other backpacking-related subjects, head on over to BackpackingTV.