Today I want to share a few quick tips on how to use your Torqeedo electric kayak motor in the grass, when you're fishing in shallow water or when there are a lot of obstacles around.
I Use a Rock Guard from Innovative Sportsman
First, I have the Rock Guard from Innovative Sportsman on my motor. One thing I like about it is that it has a grass cutter close to the blade of the electric kayak motor.

This setup works really well in most situations, but the following tips will help when you get into really thick grass.
Trim the Motor in Shallow, Weedy Water
Another thing I've been doing that's been working really well is trimming the motor up a little bit when I'm in an area with lots of weeds and grass.

The way I do it is I have the cleat set for when I raise and lower the motor. This way I can lock it into place when I want it all the way up.
Essentially, I'm finding a place in the middle between raising it all the way up
and having it all the way deployed.

I can lock it into this shallower trim when I want to run the boat at full speed.
It’s a little less efficient when I have it trimmed up like that because it makes the bow ride higher. However, it usually allows me to get above the grass whether I’m just putting up a river or holding the boat steady in some current.
You can also run across a shallower flat this way and still be able to keep your motor in use.

Clean Your Motor After Each Use
Another thing you should always do is pull off the prop when you get back to the ramp.
This is especially important when line is caught in the motor or if you've been fishing around grass and weeds.
Thankfully, it only takes a few seconds. Generally, you just need to remove one nut and make sure no grass is stuck behind the prop or wrapped around the shaft.
This will help your motor last a whole lot longer, so it's time well spent
Don't Leave That Motor Behind
In my opinion, it's a mistake to leave your electric motor in the truck when you'll be fishing around grass.
Just trim it up as I described above and make sure to check the prop and shaft for weeds, line, and other debris at the end of the day.
Trust me, you’ll be able to get a lot of use out of that Torqeedo even in shallow grassy water.

On More Electric Kayak Motor Tip
If you do get some grass tangled around the prop, you can always bump it into reverse in the water, or pull it up and do it above the water. This will usually loosen up that grass. Then you can bump the motor back into gear and go on your way.
This will also help engage the grass cutter I have on that Rock Guard from Innovative Sportsman.
So these are just a few little tips and tricks I've learned using my electric kayak motor. I'm confident they'll help you use your motor even when you're fishing in shallow, grassy water.
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Fishing kayak: Jackson Coosa X
Kayak Motor: Torqeedo Ultra-light
Life vest: NRS Chinook PFD
Accessories: YakAttack Omega Rod Holder, YakAttack Cup Holder, YakAttack Rotogrip, and the YakAttack BlackPak Pro
Shirt: NRS Varial Hoodie
Rods: Judge Crankbait Series, Eternity Series, Revelation Series
Sunglasses: Wiley X