
Smallmouth Bass Fishing in North Carolina

Discovering the Perfect Spot for Smallmouth Bass

As an avid angler and host of Road Trip Angler, the unpredictable weather often follows me, creating unique challenges for every fishing trip. After a massive storm hit North Carolina, I had to venture away from home to find water that hadn't been heavily affected. This led me to a lesser-frequented area still teeming with one of my favorite catches: smallmouth bass. We used the NRS Approach 120 fishing raft to take us up river to the right spot.

catching smallmouth bass NRS Approach fishing raft

Preparation and Gear

Before setting out, I equipped myself with the NRS Approach Fishing Raft. Having previously reviewed and spent some time with it, I knew this was the perfect scenario to truly showcase its capabilities. The raft floats high and shallow, handling riffles and mild whitewater with ease. Its spacious design allows for ample gear storage, making it ideal for two anglers ready to tackle the river.

smallmouth bass fishing north carolina

Hitting the River

Accompanied by my friend Steven, we set off for the river, aiming for a spot near the base of a dam known for its productivity. As we navigated upstream, the raft proved its worth, gliding over shallow waters and exposed rocks. Despite some initial challenges with line management and the rocky terrain, the stability and fishability of the raft were impressive.

smallmouth bass tips raft fishing

The Fishing Experience

Splitting up to cover more ground, I found myself exploring a quieter section of the river. Switching to a fly for a more subtle presentation, I soon landed the first smallmouth bass of the day. The excitement of catching my first fish on a fly in this setting was unmatched.

smallmouth tips

Steven, fishing in a different spot, also had success, though he lost a few lures along the way. Determined to support each other, I navigated the raft over rocks and around bends to bring him new baits. While Steven re-tied his lines, I couldn’t resist making a few casts in his spot, immediately hooking a solid smallmouth. Despite the lack of photographic evidence, the thrill of the catch was undeniable.

Reflecting on the Day

As the day progressed, we both caught several smallmouth bass, with the biggest reaching 18 inches. Even though some moments went undocumented, the shared experience and the joy of fishing together made it a memorable trip. The NRS Approach Fishing Raft had proven to be an excellent companion, enhancing our ability to navigate the river and fish effectively.

smallmouth bass fishing tips north carolina

Tips for Fellow Anglers

  1. Choose the Right Gear: The NRS Approach Fishing Raft is perfect for shallow rivers and carrying plenty of gear.
  2. Adapt to Conditions: After storms, seek out less affected waters and adjust your fishing techniques to the conditions.
  3. Fish with Friends: Fishing with friends not only makes the experience more enjoyable but also allows for mutual support and shared knowledge.
  4. Document Your Catches: Always have a camera or phone handy to capture your catches, as these moments can be fleeting and memorable.
north carolina smallmouth bass

Smallmouth Bass Fishing in North Carolina

Fishing for smallmouth bass in North Carolina, especially after a storm, can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. With the right gear and a spirit of adventure, every trip can become a cherished memory. As always, stay safe, wear your life jacket, and enjoy the great outdoors.

If you enjoyed this content, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and read my review about the NRS Approach 120 Fishing Raft. Tight lines, and thanks for watching!

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