
Partner: perception

Pedal Kayaks Vs Paddle Kayaks: Which Should You Choose?

The choice between pedal kayaks vs paddle kayaks has not always been clear. Ken Whiting outlines the differences and the benefits of both.

Perception Hangtime 11 Review

Ken is on the Flint River doing his Perception Hangtime 11 review. Ken presents this kayak as it is meant to be, comfy and fun!

Paddling the Flint River

Ken Whiting just got back from paddling the Flint River in Tennessee. Check out his full adventure complete with photos in his journal.

Beginner Kayak Tips and Considerations

When you're getting into kayaking, the sheer number of choices can feel overwhelming. There are sit-on-top and sit-inside boats, hardshells and inflatables, stable slowpokes and tippy speed-demons, and then of course, price comes into play.