Lots of different pieces of kayaking gear have been released this year. Some of these products deserve special recognition for their awesomeness. So, these are the pieces that I have tested this year that I think deserve Paddle TV awards for the best paddling gear of 2023. They are the pieces that have made me go “Wow”, and have stayed in my gear shed.
Paddle TV Awards

The YakAttack Tow N’ Stow Cart
YakAttack sells two types of Tow N’ Stow carts: the bar cart and the bunkster. These carts are designed for different types of kayaks.
Kayak carts are a Godsend for many people. They can be the difference between getting on the water and not getting on the water. This is particularly true if you use recreational kayaks or fishing kayaks, which are too heavy to move alone. Kayak carts solve the issue of carrying heavy kayaks to and from the water.
What makes the YakAttack Tow N’ Stow so great is that they completely break down. YakAttack has engineered a system that lets you take the cart apart with no tools at all. The pieces pop together and make a solid cart that can hold up to 450 LBS. You can use these carts to carry any kayak necessary, including a kayak that is fully packed with fishing or camping gear. The Tow N’ Stow is made of plastic, aluminum, and stainless steel, so it can handle salt water.
These carts retail for $190 (USD) and $250 (USD), which sounds expensive. However, this is what you would expect to pay for a quality kayak cart. The Tow N' Stow cart is an impressively innovative piece of gear. It is absolutely worthy of a Paddle TV award!

Nite Ize Runoff Packing Cubes
Nite Ize offers waterproof, runoff packing cubes. These cubes are a new take on dry bags. The cubes come in three sizes: small, medium, and large, and have a clear front that lets you see inside the bag.
What separates the Nite Ize packing cubes from other dry bags is the two-zip technology. This is the zipper system that you use to seal the cubes up. It is an easy-to-use zipper that does an excellent job of sealing the bag shut.
I tested the seal on the packing cubes several times on short canoe trips. But I also tried standing on the closed cube on dry land to see if the zipper would hold. The seal and zipper held up to 200 LBS of me standing on the sealed cube. That is impressive!
I am looking forward to seeing these packing cubes in bigger sizes. The current sizes are convenient for packing food, first aid kits, and knick-knacks needed for camping. They are also great for storing and containing the smell of shoes when traveling! Nite Ize Runoff packing cubes are very deserving of a Paddle TV award.

Astral Loyak Shoes
Astral is well-known for making great water shoes, and the Loyak is a popular water shoe. But it is the Astral Loyak AC water shoes that are particularly noticeable. They are much lighter, which keeps your feet cooler in hot conditions.
I started using Loyak AC shoes this year and love them. The Loyak AC has been my go-to pair of water shoes all year, even in colder conditions in Finland. They are not ideal for cold conditions because they do not provide any insulation. However, I don’t get cold feet quickly, so it wasn’t an issue.
What I love about the Loyak AC is how grippy the soles are. The shoes and soles are very flexible, so they fit in any type of boat. I use these shoes in white water kayaks, sea kayaks, on stand-up paddle boards, and when canoeing. You really can use them for anything.
The shoe is porous so that water can flow in and out in seconds. But the fabric stops rocks and coarse sand from getting into the shoe. All in all, the Astral Loyak shoe is a great water shoe. It retails for about $100 (USD) and is definitely worth a Paddle TV award.

Gearlab Outdoors Deckpod 2
The Deckpod 2 is designed to go on the front deck of a touring kayak. Since getting the Deckpod, I have used it almost every time I’ve paddled a touring kayak. It is so convenient to have a bag on the front deck and within reach. It is even more convenient than the day hatches that some touring kayaks have.
What I love about the Deckpod 2 is the attachment system. They have made it easy to attach the deckpod to the perimeter lines. The bag has side compartments for bilge pumps, paddle floats, or water bottles, and a main compartment inside. It has a hole to put a water bladder in and another hole for the hose. It even has secondary pockets inside the main compartment.
The Deckpod 2 is convenient for storing things like sunscreen, snacks, water, camera gear, or anything else I want easy access to during the day. It comes in three colors: orange, black and white.
I love the simplicity of the Deckpod: how easy it is to take on and off and how it provides easy access to my gear without impeding my paddling stroke. The Deckpod 1 was great, but the Deckpod 2 is a step up again. So, it is well worthy of a Paddle TV award.

Zenbivy Sleeping System
The Zenbivy sleeping system starts with a sheet that goes over the top of your sleeping mattress. This allows you to sleep on a soft sheet instead of a slippery and crinkly sleeping mattress. The mummy is built into the sleeping sheet itself, which means that if it is cold, you can choose how to zip the sleeping bag on top. I often have it zipped up right by my arm on one side, but the rest is completely unzipped. This makes it feel just like a quilt at home and lets you adapt to any temperature.
The bottom line is that you can sleep however you want in the Zenbivy Sleeping System. You are not encased in a sleeping bag. It is a great system, but it did take about 30 seconds when I was initially putting it together to figure it out. But once you have figured it out, it is awesome, and definitely worthy of a Paddle TV award.

NRS Axiom Goretex Pro Dry Suit
The NRS Axiom Goretex Pro dry suit is the Mac daddy of dry suits. NRS has been making dry suits for a long time. Because of this, they have figured out many of the subtleties around making a dry suit. They make great dry suits, but the NRS Axiom Goretex Pro is by far the best.
Check out my review here: NRS Axiom Dry Suit Review: How do I choose a dry suit?
The Axiom dry suit uses Goretex Pro, so it is the ultimate suit for durability, breathability, and waterproofness. You do pay a premium for Goretex, but if you have the money, it is worth it. When spending a lot of money on a dry suit, the question is, do you spend a little more to get premium quality?
The kind of premium extras you get with the Axiom dry suit include:
- Neoprene over cuffs to protect the wrist and neck gaskets from UV,
- A relief zipper, depending on whether you get the girls or guys model,
- Drainage in all the right places,
- Integrated feet.
If you take good care of the Axiom dry suit, it is a lifetime piece of gear. If you want to kayak regularly in colder conditions, it is worth investing in a quality dry suit. Sometimes, it isn’t just a luxury but an essential piece of safety gear. Even though they cost a fair penny, they will last a lifetime if you take good care of them.
Honorable Mentions

Dry Robe Changing Mat
This is a mat with a very soft, cozy fabric on one side and a waterproof canvas on the other side. It is perfect for changing. I throw it on the ground and can change next to my car comfortably. I never knew I would love it so much, but the Dry Robe changing mat has a permanent spot in my vehicle.

Airbank Puffer Pro Pump
This pump is battery-driven and is awesome! It pumps up to 20 psi, so it can pump up drop stitch kayaks, stand-up paddle boards, or anything else you need pumping up. So far, without charging the pump, I have pumped up three kayaks. This is a good indication of the number of kayaks the Airbank Puffer Pro can pump before it needs charging.
I am a big promoter of using electric pumps to pump up inflatable kayaks. If you use your inflatable kayak regularly, having an electric pump is very useful, especially if you have a drop-stitch kayak. You can also use this to pump the air out of the boat, making it easy to pack up. The Airbank Puffer Pro pump is another piece of gear with a permanent spot in my truck!

This Year's Winners:
The YakAttack Tow N’ Stow Cart
Nite Ize Runoff Packing Cubes
Astral Loyak Shoes
Gearlab Outdoors Deckpod 2
Zenbivy Sleeping System
NRS Axiom Goretex Pro Dry Suit
This Year's Honorable Mentions:
Dry Robe Changing Mat
Airbank Puffer Pro Pump