
Fueling Kids for Adventure: Tips and Healthy Snacks for Kids in the Outdoors!

When it comes to fueling my kids for adventure, I often want to cook these elaborate meals. But when we’re out busy doing activities like hiking and biking, finding the time to prep can be really challenging. Its sometimes hard to find the right healthy snacks for kids.

When it comes to fueling my kids before and during a big hike or paddle, there are a few things I like to focus on. And today I’m going to share those things with you, along with some helpful tips. So you can power not just your kids, but your entire family to make outdoor adventuring even more enjoyable. 

Healthy Snacks for Kids starts with all food groups.
Healthy Snacks for Kids starts with all food groups.

Think About Healthy Snacks for Kids in the Right Food Groups

The very first thing I like to think about is food groups. And whether my kids are getting enough fruits, vegetables, meat, and carbohydrates. 

Whenever we are heading off on an outdoor adventure that requires energy or endurance, I always like to make sure that my kids have snacks—especially fruit—on hand to give them quick bursts of energy. 

Over the years, we’ve found that when our kids hit a low, it’s really helpful to have an apple, an orange, or just something with a high sugar content to perk them up and give their bodies the energy they need to keep on pushing. 

Having these easy-to-eat snacks on hand has overall made a huge difference to our adventures. And that’s mainly because they allow our kids to hike, bike, or paddle a little further. 

Having breaks for food is key to keeping kids going.
Having breaks for food is key to keeping kids going.

Timing is Everything

Another tip that can really change the game when fueling kids for adventure is timing. And by timing, I mean not waiting until your kids say they’re hungry.

Kids often won’t say they’re hungry until their energy levels are already dropping. So, if i’ve noticed my kids have already been active for an hour or two, then I'll go ahead and stop what we’re doing for a snack break. 

If I wait until the point where my children are saying that they’re hungry, then it usually means I’m hungry, tired, and I want to stop. 

Reigning it in a bit earlier and giving them the boost they don’t even know they need means we can continue on with our adventure. And we don’t need to wait longer periods of time for them to re-energize. 

A good night's sleep is easily the most important way to rebuild energy for the next adventure.
A good night's sleep is easily the most important way to rebuild energy for the next adventure.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Having a good night’s sleep is really important in terms of getting out and adventuring. And to help this, I highly recommend eating a little earlier.

Eating earlier means your kids are able to fully digest what they’ve eaten, which, in turn, leads to a better night’s sleep. 

I know it can be hard to plan meal times when out adventuring. But just thinking about nearby restaurants or whether you can stop for a picnic en route before heading back to your campsite can ultimately give your kids the best chance at sleeping soundly through the night. 

I have my Lifestraw for quick sips all day to keep us all hydrated.
I have my Lifestraw for quick sips all day to keep us all hydrated.

Drink Plenty of Water

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of water in regards to fueling your kids for adventure. Like food, if you wait for your kids to tell you they’re thirsty, they’re already at the point of dehydration. So, one thing we found that helped us get our kids to drink more water is having them carry their own water bladders. 

There are various brands out there that make water bladders that kids can carry. And just by having a straw and easy access to water, your kids can constantly rehydrate throughout your adventure. 

Even from when my daughter was young, we’ve attached a bladder to her backpack. So, instead of having to stop and get a water bottle out every time she was thirsty, she could just flip her straw and take a sip. 

Having an impromptu hotdog roast has been a favorite.
Having an impromptu hotdog roast has been a favorite.

Make Food Fun

And my last tip is to make food fun. When you’re out adventuring with your kids, they’re already doing a ton of new things. So standard food just isn’t going to excite them. 

I always like to take along a treat like a bar or a brownie, something that’s special and fun. Through our own adventures, I’ve learned to never underestimate the joy that food can bring to your family. And that's especially true when you’re out burning physical energy. 

For me, I absolutely love eating biscuits. And when I’m out on a hike, there really is nothing that makes me happier than enjoying a special biscuit. 

So think about a food that will really excite your kids and just watch their mood change in an instant. 

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Clothing: Cotopaxi Fuego Down Kids jacketCotopaxi Teca Calido Reversable Kids Jacket,  Cotopaxi Fuego Hooded Down JacketCotopaxi Trico Hybrid Women's jacketCotopaxi Trico Hybrid Women’s JacketCotopaxi Do Good Kid's Trucker Hat
Portable Fire Pit: LavaBox
Sunglasses: Wiley X

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