
Paddling Gear Reviews

Packrafts: What You Need to Know

Whether you are completely new to packrafting or you are just starting and want to know more, this blog post will provide everything you need to know about packrafts.

Paddling Gear Awards

Best Kayaks and Canoes of 2023

Its that time of year when Ken Whiting announces his Best kayaks and canoes of 2023 awards. Check out the boats he saw as this year's best!

Paddling Learning Center

Hammock vs Tent: Which Is Right for Your Adventure?

After more than three decades of camping, I finally made the leap from being a die-hard tent camper to trying hammock camping. For most of my life, the idea of ditching my tent for a hammock never really crossed my mind. Why would I give up something so reliable and comfortable for what seemed like a less comfortable option?

Ken Whiting: Paddling

World Champion kayaker, author of 12 books and videos about paddling, and the host of the largest paddlesports YouTube channel, Ken is one of the most accomplished and respected paddlesport professionals in the world.

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