Kayaking isn't just about sloshing around on the water. This sport can teach you lots of handy outdoor skills. Kayaking can even fill in some gaps for those who missed out on (or can't remember) those Cub Scouts courses. Tying a dependable knot like the trucker's hitch is a prime example.
Do you have to be a trucker?
Now, this may knot be the most enticing prospect you'll come across today. I can promise you two things: 1). The trucker's hitch will come into play over and over again even if you aren't a trucker. And 2). You'll only need to learn one simple knot. I'll give you a quick pitch on the knot I've used since my beginner days. Then it'll just be a matter of grabbing a rope and giving it a whirl.
What do you use to tie down a kayak?
Grab some rope! The trucker's hitch is a go-to knot for securing a kayak (or anything else) to a vehicle. This is useful whether you're loading a boat onto the bed of a pickup truck or attaching it to a roof rack. The knot requires moderate tension to prevent it from shooting off during an abrupt acceleration, or bouncing out on a bumpy section of road. The latter will require higher tension, which makes the trucker's hitch even more applicable.
Once you put the trucker's hitch into action, you'll see how easy it is to tie. You can then see how easy the trucker's hitch can be used for different jobs. Since it's best to learn/mimic with a visual aid, give this short PaddleTV video a watch. You can also follow along with the sequence below and then practice, practice, practice.

Trucker's Hitch is a useful knot
The trucker's hitch is a simple knot that is used to apply tension. That's why it's great for tying loads onto vehicles (boats, mattresses, furniture, you name it). This knot is useful for setting up around camp (i.e. a tarp, hammock, or tent).
The trucker's hitch is a go to for basically anything where you need to pull a rope completely taught. Outdoor adventurers will constantly find reasons to use this knot. The trucker's hitch is a knot that will no doubt come in handy for all future moving days.
Knot your standard length kayaking article
So even though this was a quick article about knots, I hope you learned a valuable skill. I know it's tempting to just focus on the kayaking. Taking a minute to learn the trucker's hitch will protect your prized possession en route to the water. Knot to brag, but the trucker's hitch will make you look like a rockstar on those multi-day trips. Why knot learn something new and applicable in the off season?
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