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The Wacky Rig

The wacky rig is a go to set up for anglers having a tough day finding fish. Jameson shows you just how to set up this go to bait presentation.

Mental Health for Active Parents

Emily Jackson runs through some tips on how to deal with the mental load of an active family lifestyle. Check out her important suggestions.

Family Camping and Camping Gear

Emily Jackson outlines here camping comfort must haves for us all to consider when bringing along the kids.

How to Use a Skeg

Ken Whiting takes the Melker Ulvon out for a spin and explains how to use a skeg when travelling across open waters and in wind.

How To Avoid Ticks While Hiking

The rewards of hiking and backpacking are well worth some calculated risks. But in order to make smart choices out there about how to avoid ticks while hiking, it is important to understand more about those critters.

YakAttack BlackPak Pro Assembly

Jameson Redding has his hands on the BlackPak Pro from Yakattack and walks through the entire YakAttack BlackPak Pro assembly step by step!

GoPro Mounts: Our Family's Top Accessory Choices!

Emily Jackson goes through all her GoPro mounts and shares what they are each used for. There are some cool shots to be had!

Top 5 Fishing Knots

Jameson selects his top 5 fishing knots and details when and why he uses them so often. These selections all have accompanying instructions!

Top 3 Tips to Motivate Kids for Outdoor Fun!

Emily Jackson discusses how she motivates kids into epic adventures and daily fun in the outdoors sharing a few simple tips.

How to Tie the Improved Clinch Knot

Jameson Redding back with a knot, the improved clinch knot, that he uses when tying line to a hook directly.

Alberto Knot: Line-to-Line Knot

Jameson Redding has yet another knot for you to consider when tying two lines together. This time its the Alberto knot for thicker lines.

Best Cameras for Family Vacations

Emily and Nick go over what cameras for family vacations are best. In this post they review iphones, DSLRs and GoPro's.

Mastering the Double Uni Knot

Jameson Redding shows off his go-to fishing knot, the double Uni Knot, that he uses between lines of two different thicknesses.

Dealing with Tantrums and Kids Having Meltdowns

When travelling across the globe together the inevitable kid tantrum or meltdown happens. Emily Jackson lends some advice to parents to deal with them.

Homeschooling Questions

Emily and Nick answer homeschooling questions for those interested in educating their children following their own beat.

Road Tripping with Kids

Road tripping with kids can be a daunting task for most families. Emily has some tips and tricks she's learned along the way.

Family Camping Essentials

Obviously, when you go camping, you want to be prepared. Emily shares with you 10 things that we feel are our family camping essentials.

Kayaking in Windy Conditions

Kayaking in wind isn't easy nor intuitive. Here is everything you need to know about kayaking in windy conditions.

How to Choose a Life Jacket for Kayaking and Canoeing

How do you choose the right life jacket for you? Ken sets out to show you exactly how to choose a life jacket for your next adventure.

Kayaking With Kids

In this article, I’m going to walk you through kayaking with kids and some of the things that I like to do to get my kids excited.

How to Start a Fire in the Wild with Sticks

Have you ever yearned to build a fire the old fashioned way? Here's how to start a fire with nothing on hand!

How to Keep Bugs Away When Camping

At specific times of year, swarms of buzzing, biting bugs can ruin your day. Here are some tips on how to keep bugs away when camping. 

Travel Layovers with Kids

One thing that can put people off going on trips is travel layovers with kids in the airport . Here's some tips on how we deal with it!

How to Poop in the Woods

Today's topic is a fun one, and something I've had in the chamber for a while now. So pop a squat, take a breath, and allow me to walk you through a certain backcountry call that sooner or later must be answered.

Tips for Wireless Remote

I travel almost full-time for nine to ten months out of the year, and I live out of a beautiful 32-foot trailer with my family. I work remotely and do a lot of video work, editing, and uploading. I’m a brand manager for a kayak company, Jackson Kayak, the internet is an important part of my day.

How to Choose a Backpack

Your backpack is the foundation of all your hiking adventures. If it's well fitted appropriately-sized, functional in a way that's specific to your needs, it can feel like a welcomed extension of your body. The backpack gives you total freedom to explore the outdoors.

Staying Clean While Camping

An inescapable, or welcomed, part of backpacking is sweating up a storm. Hikers are getting down in the dirt. We are tossing yesterday's clothes back into the mix. Backpackers are forgoing a formal toilet or hot shower for days on end.

Beginner Hiking and Overnight Tips

If you're just getting started in the exciting (but also somewhat overwhelming) world of backpacking, allow me to offer some beginner hiking and overnight tips. Here are the top five things that I wish someone would have told the younger me. 

Winter Backpacking Mistakes

Camping and/or backpacking in the winter can be a fun challenge, and a great way to stave off those indoor doldrums, but there are also plenty of pitfalls to watch out for.

Backpacking Packing List

Having a backpacking packing list can be handy when you are preparing for the trip. Have you ever laid out all of your gear for an upcoming backpacking trip, and then turned to your pack and wondered how it could possibly all fit?

Backpacking in the Rain

Those rainy day blues keep far too many potential backpackers hunkered-down inside. And when those clouds roll in mid-hike, it's easy to be caught off-guard - especially if you were expecting sunny skies.

Trucker's Hitch: A Knot Every Paddler Should Know

Kayaking isn't just about sloshing around on the water. This sport can teach you lots of handy outdoor skills, and even fill in some gaps for those who missed out on (or can't remember) those Cub Scouts courses. Tying a dependable knot like the trucker's hitch is a prime example.

How to Properly Fit a Backpack for Hiking

Having a properly fitted backpack is a critical component of reducing discomfort on the trail. Because hiking with weight creates a cumulative strain, it can be hard to suss out all the intricacies while testing different packs out in a store.

Learn to Kayak with 3 Kayaking Strokes

earning to kayak is a fairly intuitive activity for many people. You don't need a ton of instruction if you're just going to play around on a calm lake or river. Instruction does help when you are learning to kayak.

Customize Your Kayak: Mount Accessories on Your Kayak

For the last decade or so, one of the fastest-growing categories within paddle sports has been kayak fishing. This trend has pushed developments in both kayaks and accessories that have benefited paddlers from all walks (or paddles) of life.

How to Kayak without Back Pain or Shoulder Pain

Whether you are dealing with an injury, or simply the realities of Father Time (often a mix of both), many current and would-be paddlers have to navigate these physical barriers. Things like back pain, shoulder pain, and of course, butt pain are common deterrents - but they don't have to be!

Cooking Delicious Backpacking Meals

Have you grown tired of subsisting primarily on dehydrated/freeze-dried meals while camping? I know I have! Heading into the backcountry delivers a wealth of fresh air, fresh smells, and fresh experiences.

Backpacking Essentials For 3 Night 4 Day Backpacking Trip

A 3 night, 4 day trip is the classic backpacking adventure. You get a thorough taste of the hiking/camping experience, and it’s short enough that you can carry everything you need, without having to worry about resupplies.

Whitewater Kayaking for Beginners – Why YOU Should Try It!

Whitewater kayaking for beginners shouldn't be scary. Do you have an adventurous side? How about a positive attitude? Can you handle getting a little wet? Then you should try whitewater kayaking. Contrary to popular opinion, I think these are the only requirements for starting your journey as a whitewater kayaker.

Backpacking Gear Top 3 Mistakes

I’ve been doing a lot of backpacking lately with people who are newer to the pasttime. This means that I’ve borne witness (bared witness? Ah whatever, you get the idea) to a number of cringe-worthy mistakes by my peers who mean well, but just aren’t in the know. I see flubs while hiking, faux-pas around the tent, and self-defeating practices that scare off that precious backcountry sleep.

SUP Tips for Beginners – Top 5 Lessons

Stand up paddleboarding is a fun and challenging activity that is suitable for just about anyone to take up. This sport is ever-growing in popularity, which means there are constant waves of beginners working to find their footing.

Common Kayaking Mistakes – Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Gather around all beginner and novice paddlers! Today I'm going to help you dodge or correct what I consider to be the top 6 easily avoidable kayaking mistakes that will leave you sopping wet, or looking like a total noob! - often both.

How to SUP – Beginner's Guide to Paddle Boarding

Sup everyone? Today is all about getting new paddle boarders familiarized with the basics of the craft. This article is about how to launch...

International Trekking: Go Backpacking Abroad

Bueno! I'm currently in the midst of a month-long international trekking trip in Peru, doing some filming for the TV show Epic Trails. While...

How Kayak Design Affects Performance

There are a number of factors that go into selecting the right kayak. For starters, there are crossroads when it comes to getting a hardshell vs a portable one, a sit-on-top vs a sit-inside, or a paddle vs a pedal kayak.

Alternatives to Tent Camping to Save Money

There are creative alternatives to tents that can help you save money and add some spice to your backpacking experience. Today, I'm going to walk you through three simple options that you can experiment with, depending on your comfort level. You can absolutely stay dry and happy throughout the night, without breaking the bank or solely relying on a classic shelter.

How to Choose a Kayak: 3 Top Ranked Kayaks

Today I'm going to pit 3 of my favorite and, coincidentally, best-selling recreational kayaks on the market in a head to head (to head) comparison. If you've been paying attention to PaddleTV then you might have seen that I gave the Wilderness Systems Pungo and the Sea Eagle Razorlite 393rl Kayak of the Year awards for 2021.

Kayak Paddle Strokes

One of the joys of flat-water paddling is that you don't need proper technique in order to have a good time. I would argue, first and foremost, that the most important thing is to simply unplug from the rat-race, get out on the water, and have a genuine outdoor experience. That being said, by developing an effective approach to paddling, you will open several doors that will only serve to enhance your adventures.

How to Avoid Flipping Your Kayak

One of the biggest concerns that newer paddlers have is in regards to flipping their kayak. This makes sense since sometimes it can be a cold and intimidating experience. Unfortunately, these "what if?" scenarios prevent many potential paddlers from ever taking up the sport. This breaks my heart a little bit because with a few basic strategies, you can dramatically reduce your chances of going for an unexpected swim. Implementing any-and-all of these should give you a huge confidence boost, which will hopefully increase your excitement to get out on the water.

Sleeping Tips for Backpacking

Are you tired of getting poor-quality sleep while on a backpacking trip? Well, those days are over my friend. Endless nights of tossing and turning and some solid research sessions have led me to completely overhaul my sleep system. I'll tell you about my new dynamic duo (ZORP!) that knocks me out better than I ever could have dreamed. No more counting sheep, just deep sleep, free of regreets. 

Three Golden Rules Of Backpacking

Hello prospective adventurers! Today I want to share some of the backpacking-related wisdom I've garnered over the years. I've come up with three overarching rules that will help ensure you have a good time, that you're totally safe, and that you leave the wilderness intact for other people. These tidbits are geared towards folks who are newer to the hiking community, but even if you feel like a veteran, we can all use a little refresher from time to time. 

How To Pack for a Kayak Camping Trip

I just finished up a two-day trip on the New River in North Carolina. This was my attempt to to escape the capricious Canadian spring weather (we had snow recently in my neck of the woods…) and log my first multi-day paddle of 2022. Well, my icebreaker adventure was still quite cold, but also fun and beautiful. If you want the full, vicarious experience, check out my recent video with the River Kings.

How to Waterproof Jackets, Repair Hiking Gear & More!

Shopping for the latest and greatest backpacking gear can be an exciting experience. But don't forget about your first loves too quickly. Just because your backpack has a hole, your down jacket has lost some insulation, your rain jacket has devolved into a normal jacket, or your sleeping pad deflates during the night, doesn't mean that they need to be replaced - they can also be repaired.

Canoe vs Kayak vs Stand Up Paddleboard

The big question for new paddlers is: Do I go with a canoe, a kayak, or a stand up paddleboard? Well, you'll certainly find passionate defenders of all three options. The key is to narrow down what kinds of adventures you envision yourself going on. It's also important to compare things like performance and stability with the budget and ability of yourself and anyone else in your family or group. I'm going to break down many of the common questions and concerns for each of these vessels and, hopefully, shine some light on the best choice for you.

Comfortable Camp and Hiking Tips

Today I want to offer you 9 simple, cheap (or free), and effective ways to enhance your comfort while backpacking. Most of these tips will be technique based, rather than plugs for additional gear. If you already have your basic backpacking setup, then you should be well-equipped for a comfortable experience. 

Backpacking Tips: Avoid these mistakes!

Today is a tale of my personal woes in hopes that my mistakes can be your guide. Whether you're a beginner backpacker or someone who has been doing it your whole life, things get overlooked in our excitement, or delirious fatigue, or in the cases I'll tell you about today, excessive confidence. I've spent many years backpacking advanced trails and even 3 years as a guide. Though these experiences are largely an asset, my successes have also contributed to some boneheaded moves. I now humble myself before you, dear reader. Let's all take note and avoid these mistakes going forward. 

Light Action Camera: How to Film an Adventure

If a paddling trip is worth doing, it's also worth capturing on video. In fact, filming can really add an interesting layer of excitement to your adventure. Sure, there are times when I don't want the added responsibility of capturing epic shots and managing the equipment, but more often than not, I genuinely look forward to filming my outings.

Hiking the Cirque of the Towers in the Wind River Range of Wyoming

The Wind River Range is nestled southeast of the Grand Tetons. The mountain drama, the sheer rock rising vertically out of the plains that is so dramatic in the Tetons, is also gloriously present in the Wind Rivers as well. But the Wind River Range requires more effort to get to, and thus, doesn’t have the crowds of its big brother in the National Park.

Eric Hanson: Trail & Camp

An avid hiker, knowledgeable wilderness explorer and passionate adventurer, Eric Hanson is the face of the Epic Trails – Hiking project. Eric has a strong presence in the online hiking community and shares his adventures in an approachable and inspirational way.

The Carretera Austral: The World’s Most Badass Roadtrip

The Carretera Austral navigates along some of the most mind-bending terrain on Earth, Chilean Patagonia. Here’s how to drive this bucket-list worthy road trip.

Should You Paddle a Sea Kayak or a Recreational Kayak?

What’s the difference between a sea kayak and a rec kayak? And perhap more importantly - what are the pros and cons of each?

How to Get Your Kids Into Paddling

One of the questions I get asked the most is "How and when should I start paddling with my kids?" and it's a good question. These are my tips on how to do it smoothly – and safely.

Rolling a Kayak

Do you need to learn how to roll your kayak? There's an argument to be made on both sides of the debate.

Top 5 Pieces of Paddling Gear

If you're new to paddling, it can be hard to know what to take with you out on the water. So in this video, I'm letting you know what my top 5 pieces of paddling gear are and why I consider them essential pieces of gear for canoeing and kayaking.

How to Choose a Paddling Top

While you can probably get away with whatever is in your closet, there are some things you should consider when dressing and choosing the best clothing for kayaking and canoeing, which we’re covering in this blog post!

How to Choose a Kayak Paddle

Is a $500 paddle REALLY worth it, or can you get by with a $100 paddle? These are very common questions I'm asked, so I’m diving in to help you learn how to choose the kayak paddle that’s right for you.

How to Sleep Great While Camping

Tired of sleeping poorly while camping? Here I breakdown the gear and the tips to great sleep in the outdoors.